Yes, I'm moving. I'm moving my blog to Typepad and I'm also moving, as in moving to a new house. But first things first. I have switched to Typepad so that I can use their Photo Album feature. I just returned from my 2-week beach vacation and have many images to share, so please hop (or click) on over to Lesley and be sure to SUBSCRIBE to the new blog's feed so you won't miss ...

Starting tomorrow, this artist is relocating her studio at the edge of the ocean. Temporarily. It's our annual family vacation and this year we are going to Bethany Beach, Delaware for 2 weeks. Bliss. Rain or shine, I'll be in heaven, surrounded by my 6 children, 5 granddaughters, father, sister, the sons-daughter and brother-in-law, and one serious girlfriend. At peak, when all the guys are in ...

I meant to do my work today,But a little girl came by to play,And another wee one found her way,And all the granddaughters were calling me. And my heart went sighing over the land,Tossing my art plans to and fro,And a child held out her shining hand,So what could I do but laugh and go?after Richard LeGallienne...

There's something to be said for being in the right place at the right time in your life. My week at the Quilt Surface Design Symposium (QSDS) was everything I needed and more. I hardly know how to put it in to words. It was a learning experience on so many levels. I learned techniques and I learned about myself. I gained courage and insight, reconnected with my tribe, my art and my first love......

Come, sit a spell. The heat wave has broken and the breeze is gentle this morning on my front porch. Iced tea? The official start of summer is only a heartbeat away but if you have kids at home you know it really begins when school gets out. How do you define the beginning of summer? The solstice? the heat? the day you suddenly realize that the year is half over, or is half-completed? What does ...

I found this drawing yesterday while cleaning out a closet. Did you know I could draw? Sometimes I have to remind myself. You may have assumed, because I use photos in my work, that I don't draw. Well you are right in a way. I can draw, but I don't draw because it just takes me too much time. I want/need a more instant result and gratification. I know if I practiced daily that I would become ...

From your comments I've already received on my last post, if appears that some of you are under the impression that the fabric in the photos that I was talking about is part of the giveaway. No way, baby - that's mine, all mine. I'm not that crazy. It's what I set aside for a special project when I did the big fabric purge 2 weeks ago. Yes, many of you missed the chance at some of my stash ...

This weeks giveaway has been expanded to allow for 5 winners. I'll choose 5 random numbers from the comments I get on this post between now and noon next Wednesday, June 17th. Sorry folks, you cannot choose which book you get, but rest assured, they are all chock full of copyright-free images. Send your friends! Yes, the more comments I get, the less your chances are to win but, here's an ...

Oh where to begin. We lost our power last Wednesday, for a total of 36 hours, then had to wait until Monday am to get our Internet straightened out and back online. I didn't mind being incommunicado, I'm used to that when I teach/travel but it was interesting to be home and realize how dependant I was on it for the simplest of things. And of course my husband was unable to work at all which ...

The winner of last week's giveaway of The Studio issue 16 is Nikki Wheeler. A random number generator was used to pick the winning entry number.Stop pouting - you all have another chance now to win this Premier Issue of Play by Teesha Moore - 46 full color pages out of the private journals of pretty amazing artists - simply gorgeous. Post a comment by June 10th to be included in the drawing. And ...
About Me
About Me
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I am a mixed media artist working primarily in fabric. To see more or learn about my art, please visit my website:
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